Day 06: The Fruit Of The Spirit

Day 07: Godly Fathers

Week One: Day Seven The Story There is no word that brings more comfort and pain in Anna’s life than father. Anna’s dad was both aloof and around during her teen years. It depended on the season and her dad’s depression. It was when Anna met pastor Jordan...
Day 06: The Fruit Of The Spirit

Day 09: Holiness

Week Two: Day Two The Story Anna had a best friend who was, well, churchy. Leslie was always someone who seemed to have a God-word for every situation. It had grown so much in the last few weeks where even Anna, who had patience like that of Job, was getting sick of...
Day 06: The Fruit Of The Spirit

Day 11: Prayer Walks

Week Two: Day Four The Story Through completely different channels both Matt and Anna knew Foster. Foster had been diagnosed with a rare form of Leukemia and was undergoing experimental treatment for the disease. Anna knew Foster through a mutual friend and had been...