To my knowledge, no one has ever invented a flashdark. No one has ever made a portable device that, when turned on, can suck the light out of a room.

The reason is because darkness always runs from light. It’s a principle of physics. Darkness is actually the absence of light. Darkness is, in essence, nothing.

We, as Christians, seem to talk about light and dark a lot. We talk about them like they are equally opposing forces. But, just like the ridiculous idea of a flashdark, we should rid our lives of the notion that as darkness increases throughout the world, the light isn’t revving its engine to extinguish it.

One of my pastors says often “Don’t rage against the darkness, let’s turn up the light.”

The best thing that Christ Followers can do to speak hope and life to those around us is to point to Jesus. Point to how the Bible is a book of heroes each leading toward Him. Demonstrate how the end of the story is one filled with triumph and great glory. Speak about how there is no distance or sin that could ever separate you from the love of Christ.

Day to day, be generous to others. Treat people well. Don’t criticize. Give your time and attention to listening to others and not always being the one to speak. Love always.

Share this with anyone who feels like the darkness is overtaking the light. Show them it’s not so. God is really good. No matter what. Let us know what you think in the comments below.


