Week Two: Day Two

The Story

Anna had a best friend who was, well, churchy. Leslie was always someone who seemed to have a God-word for every situation. It had grown so much in the last few weeks where even Anna, who had patience like that of Job, was getting sick of Leslie’s “holier than thou” attitude. 

Leslie grew up an only child of two missionary parents who lived most of their lives in Italy. She knew very little of American culture even though she was technically American. After all, both of her parents were from Texas and she was born there. Leslie moved back to the United States to attend college which is where she met Anna. Leslie always believed that Anna was not living a life of faith and was also willing to say so. Why the two remained friends is unknowable. 

One day Leslie saw a check sitting out on Anna’s desk made out to Generation Church for $50. She could not believe that Anna would give so little. She knew that a tithe should be a tenth and knew that Anna’s amount should be much higher. After all, Leslie not only tithed, but also gave an additional 5% to an organization who feeds the poor. She also serves three times a week in her church’s youth group. She was not shy in letting everyone around her know what she was giving.

What Leslie didn’t know was that Anna had a terrible month financially. In fact, $50 had been 12% of her total take home paycheck that month. Anna was trying to learn how to trust God more and knew that she could not really afford even a dime’s worth of tithe or other expenses that month. She was quietly going to give beyond what she could afford. 

It turned out that the treasurer for Generation Church, Lyla Maas, also owned the restaurant, Fifers, where Anna worked. She knew that Anna had an extremely pitiful month. When she saw the tithe check Anna had given to the church that evening, her heart broke. It was at that point that Lyla decided to do all she could to help Anna.

Both Leslie and Lyla happened to arrive at Anna’s apartment the next day at the exact same time. Anna didn’t know either person was coming. She let both women in. Lyla said that she could not believe the generosity that Anna had given to Generation Church. She knew that Anna had given out of her poor month’s wages. She told Anna how she planned to give her a modest raise, better hours and also a $500 bonus for being an employee for one full year. 

Leslie’s heart sank as she saw the graciousness of Lyla. In fact, Leslie had printed out several scripture passages from the Bible that she was going to show Anna about what God requires in a tithe. It was in this humbling moment that Leslie learned about true giving. 

The Devotion

I have been guilty of throwing out “church words” replacing them with words that I have deemed more current. You may know what I mean. Replacing words like sanctification with purity; grace trying to be hijacked by the word love; righteousness for, well, it seems like the modern church is trying to get rid of that word all together. Sad really.

Holiness cannot be one of these waste bin words. God said, “Be holy because I am holy” [Leviticus 11:44; 20:26; 1 Peter 1:15-16]. How many of us know what the word holiness even means? I am sure we could drum up a definition that may get close, but the fuller meaning of the word is becoming less and less commonplace.

“Holiness means perfect, entire, wanting nothing for completion” (Definition found in Mark Rutland’s book Holiness). In short, holiness means wholeness. God’s character keeps him from being able to do certain things. For instance, he cannot tell a lie. In the word holiness, there is right and wrong. It is well-defined. While what is right and wrong is under attack these days, the traits found in God’s character cannot and will not change.

Sin entered the world through Adam. Satan most certainly thought he had won the victory. Sin slammed the door of Eden and all that it represented. When Jesus was conceived of the virgin Mary He rerouted Satan’s winner’s party. Jesus opened the doors of Eden and spread them wide again by His perfect work on the cross. This is holiness.

So, why do we need to be holy and why because God is holy? The answer lies in Jesus. While that is the perfect answer in any Sunday school classroom, it is also truth. The only way to stand in the presence of God is through the complete and perfect (holy) work of Jesus on the cross. We must recognize its authority and yield to it. In great humility Jesus went to the cross. In great humility, we should recognize that we sin, that we cannot stop sinning, and that we are in need of a Savior. This is not about earthly prosperity. This is the Kingdom of God.

One of the names for Jesus in the Bible is the Holy One. Today, seated at the right hand of God the father is the Holy One. Through the greatest act of bravery mankind has ever seen, you and I may approach that throne. We may do so with confidence [Hebrews 4:16; Ephesians 3:12]. It is important to note that we aren’t to bring our own throne into that room and park ourselves beside Jesus. No! We are to come with fear and trembling. How awesome is it that through the cross we are invited in? Amazing!

You and I are blessed to live this side of the cross. We have been welcomed in. Please share this with someone you love. Be encouraged and walk in freedom. Give thought to the word and meaning of holiness today.

The Bible

Hebrews 4 | Leviticus 20 | 1 Peter 1

The Prayer

“Dear Lord Jesus, I thank You that You are holy. You are my sinless Savior who bore the weight of my sin. You defeated sin once and for all, nailing it to the cross and You now sit triumphantly at the right hand of God the Father. Please help me to turn from any wicked way in me. I want to be holy simply because You are holy. I recognize my imperfection, but trust that You walk with me in every season. Watch over my life as I do my best to reverently come into Your presence with confidence. Please grow my faith. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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